I opened up this week's "The Economist" and saw this picture:
That's Craig Mundie, our keynote speaker for SIGCSE 2009, on the left behind Bill Gates. The article says: "Mr Ozzie...has been Microsoft’s chief software architect since 2006 and will steer its technology after Mr Gates goes, while Mr Mundie will take over as the company’s long-term thinker and public face."
Our keynote speaker for SIGCSE 2009 will be the guy responsible for long-term thinking for the world's largest software company. That will be a talk worth hearing!
Our keynote speaker for SIGCSE 2009 will be the guy responsible for long-term thinking for the world's largest software company. That will be a talk worth hearing!
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please send your email address at andrewmotivationalspeaker@gmail.com
Prospeke International, Professional speaker agency and bureau. Our business speakers are professionals in their field, delivering after dinner, keynote Keynote speakers
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