Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Find the Tennessee Aquarium

The SIGCSE 2009 reception will be at the Tennessee Aquarium, an amazing two building aquarium with both wonderful fish and other animals from both fresh and salt water.

The reception begins at 7 pm and lasts until 10 pm. You have three choices on how to get there.

MOST IMPORTANT: You MUST wear your badge to enter the Aquarium and Reception!
  • We will have four buses on a continuous loop from Carter Street, in front of the Conference Center and Marriott. They will start at 7 pm and run until 11 pm. On the return trip from the Aquarium after 8:30 pm, the buses will stop at the Sheraton, Marriott, and Chattanooga Choo-Choo so that attendees can get off right at their hotel.

  • The Electric Shuttle that picks up on 11th Street next to the Marriott will have extra shuttles running during the times of the reception. Just pick one up and get off at the Aquarium.

  • Your third option is simply to walk. It's less than a mile (around 15 minutes) to walk from the Conference Center down to the Tennessee Aquarium.
For those who choose to walk:
  1. Walk out of the Conference Center or Marriott lobby and take a right on Carter Street. (You're at the blue marker at the bottom of the map on the right.)
  2. At MLK Blvd., hang a right.
  3. At Broad Street, hang a left. Keep walking until you reach the Aquarium. (Indicated by the orange marker at the top of the map on the right.)

All three sets of directions (bus, Electric Shuttle, or walking) take you to the same place.

The building on the left (green arrow) is River's Journey, a five story freshwater aquarium. The building on the right (red arrow, obscured by trees) is Ocean's Journey, a three story saltwater aquarium. The spot where this picture is taken is approximately where you will be dropped off by the buses, and where you will pick up the buses to return

To enter the aquarium for the receptions, walk between the two buildings. You will reach a plaza where you will have a choice.

You can enter River's Journey to the left through the Member's Entrance.

Or you can cross back over the bridge and go to the Member's Entrance in Ocean's Journey.

You may go back and forth between the two buildings as much as you'd like. You may not carry any alcoholic beverage between the buildings, though. (Strangely enough, the bridge is state property, and you cannot have open alcohol on state property!)

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